
Bondage by Dow Jones in Box theory

Bondage by Dow Jones in Box theory
It is a same technical methodology to be approach and to be cocked as the “Shackle in DAX index of Ladder pattern” and “Typical symmetric triangle pattern in Shanghai index, please compare among them And treat them as all same strategic in terms of both supported line and registering line    

Typical symmetric triangle pattern in Shanghai index

Typical symmetric triangle pattern in Shanghai index  

It is a same technical methodology to be approach and to be cocked as the “Shackle in DAX index of Ladder pattern” and “Bondage by Dow Jones in Box theory” please compare among them and treat them as all same strategic in terms of both supported line and registering line    


Shackle in DAX index of Ladder pattern

Shackle in DAX index of Ladder pattern

You have been told and warned by Cassandra words “jump on the right side of the fence” sine 2 weeks ago because of its Bondage of ladder patters
Let us see it in detail
     Have been breakthrough by upper trend line. You may jump to conclusion that “The dices is cast” you would better take a stance for upper trend. If so “when”?
     Should be acted as supported line on previous upper trend line of
     Is upper trend you may well check how may time it has been acted as resistance line. If you are completely comprehended “the meaning of this pattern” I wish you not to rashly rush on this point but to wait with hugger bite on black line.


Ladder Pattern in DAX as well as in inductive idea

Ladder Pattern in DAX as well as in inductive idea

It is DAX

If you see this chart, Do rash and rush into the whirlpool of UPTREN line
Rather you would better wait it Downtrend line.
Anyway, Of both ways, it is tremendous signal as much high point as previous higher point and good omen for all international market
I wish you not to be exclusive from this party      



Let us enjoy uptrend of KOSPI

It is Kospi future of daily chart
Shall we decipher of it?
Mainly in term of Volume view
And somewhat in terms of all response of related facts

It is at last the issue that whether if it is inflection point or not
I think it is going to start a new journey for forward
And within few months later it will be happened to “adjustment wave”
Your time is limited within 2 month.
Let us enjoy uptrend of KOSPI
The reasons are:

     Is volume of signal for adjustment? If you had been suspicious of it as short terms of corrective wave, you may well deserved to be called “expert of chart ” indeed it was signal for down trend
     Is volume of rebellious rebounding against ①, which is unfortunately  not enough
     Is stochastic signal of gold cross which is compensating for insufficient information of Volume?
     Is a ladder patter which is breakthrough by simultaneous signal of BBS opening mouth
We will see what we can see within 2 month later

Yours Cassandra 


chart for GB#FTSE (Financial TimesStock Exchange)

 it is GB (Financial TimesStock Exchange)
When it is breakthrough, you may well decide your position because of bad overhead supply from upward. Statistically it must be breakout 6,636.56 point
Be patient

Yours Cassandra   

compare the ShangHai Composite with what Cassandra whispered with you before

What a chart it is!
It must be a wordless language
And a simplest language
For insinuating anything about ingraining!

Please compare the ShangHai Composite what Cassandra whispered with you before 

it seems to be breakout the triangle
and to be upward
but to be sure when  the marked point is to be breakthrough you may jump from Fence for safety not only for yourself but also your family^^    

Please compare Dow Jons with what Cassandra whispered with you before

What a chart it is!
It must be a wordless language
And a simplest language
For insinuating anything about ingraining!

Please compare Dow Jons with what Cassandra whispered with you before 


shanghai composite in daily chart for your Plan

Do you keep on watching it?

And ready to descend on the right side of the fence?

It is daily chart of Dow Jons for plan

It is daily chart of Dow Jons
It (Dow Jons) is lingering in box theory between 14,688 and 15,565
Do not make haste in spite of being breakthrough the base rectangle line 14,688 point  
We would better declare humbly that we do not know the tomorrow price but response according with circumstance    

It is wise for us to ready to descend on the right side of the fence