
Shanghai composite

Shanghai composite 
It is possessing as usually as symmetrical triangle pattern

It will be pleased if I am asked what is it and what is meaning of it and how is obtaining the fruitiness from which point we should plan it     

It is a trace of Dow Jones

It is Dow Jones
You may recheck and compare it with how it is progressed since I mentioned this schedules     
1. Bondage by Dow Jones in Box theory
2. Released from Bondage
3. And it is Opening new era of bullish phase
Enjoy the uptrend
Yours Cassandra  

Close your ears for News entirely
But open your eyes for Chart language widely

And see the facts nothing but true from Chart


it is released from Bondage of Box theory

Released from Bondage of Box theory  
Enjoy the freedom
yours Cassandra 8/11/2013

Kospi 전망입니다.
매우 애매한 상황입니다. 이럴 때는 주식을 하지 마시고 현찰을 가지고 있으면 됩니다.
추세가 결정된 다음에 행동을 취해도 늦지 않기 때문입니다.
어찌 되였건 다음주의 코스피 전망입니다. 쉽지 않은 예측 값입니다. 단기적 관점에서 약 1952까지 내려 갔다가, 반등이 있을 것입니다

     번의 음봉이 즉 7봉전에 발생한 음봉이 전체의 그림을 망쳐 놓았습니다. 하락추세의 시발점 역할을 하는 녀석 이였던 것입니다..
     번의 스토케스틱 쌍봉을 보고 번의 장대음봉을 예상했던 사람은 매우 매우 작아 보입니다. 그렇다면 단기 하락추세를 돌려 놓을 수 있는 신호는 어떤 게 있을까요?
     번의 스토케스틱 신호가 번의 쌍봉모양을 뒤집어 놓은 쌍바닥이 되여야 하겠군요. 설사 그런 모양이 나타날 지라도 하락추세를 돌려 놓았다기 보다는, 단지 우리는  반등에 만족해야만 할 수 밖에 없습니다. 왜냐하면 파동의 저점을 붕괴시켜 놓았기 때문입니다. (이 문제는 에서 설명하겠습니다.)
     번을 보시면 볼린저밴드의 “^” 모양을 발견할 때 어쩌면 청색 추세대쯤에서 볼 수 있지 않을까 생각합니다. 그 점이 바로 제가 지지선으로 설정 했던 1952가 됩니다. 이 점이 성립되는 시나리오는 2번더 겝(gaps)하락이 있을 때 신뢰를 가지게 됩니다. 즉 월요일 및 화요일에 연속해서 겝 하락이 발생하면 3번째 겝이 매워지면서 1952점에서 일단은 제동이 걸릴 것이라고 봅니다.
     번이 바로 첫 번째 겝 하락입니다. 검정 직사각형 보이시나요? 작은 직사각형이 큰 직 사각형의 매물 대를 돌파하면서 겝이 발생한 것입니다. 다시금 이 겝을 돌파하려면, 겝이론상 또 다시 겝으로 돌파하던가 아니면 짱대 양봉이 필요합니다. 극적인 호재가 아니면 결코 만만한 일이 아닙니다. 코스피의 장래가 어둡다는 말이 됩니다. 또 한편 이 매물대의 붕괴는 파동의 붕괴로 이여 집니다. 이 뜻은 곧 주 세력이 손을 털고 있다는 말이기도 합니다. 암울한 상황으로 판단됩니다.
정리 하건대 현물투자자는 2주동안 지켜 보시고, 선물투자자는 이번 장을 매도 측면에서 점근하세요. 물론 코스피가 빠지면, 개별종목도 빠지게 됩니다. 빠지지 않은 종목이 있다면 세력주가 손님을 끌기 위해서 인위적으로 장난하는 종목들이 있을 것이고요. 그러려니 앗 사리 마음이나 편하게 발 쭉욱 뻗고 잠이나 자는 게 좋을 듯 합니다. 괜히 사서 고생하지 마시고..      


Bondage by Dow Jones in Box theory

Bondage by Dow Jones in Box theory
It is a same technical methodology to be approach and to be cocked as the “Shackle in DAX index of Ladder pattern” and “Typical symmetric triangle pattern in Shanghai index, please compare among them And treat them as all same strategic in terms of both supported line and registering line    

Typical symmetric triangle pattern in Shanghai index

Typical symmetric triangle pattern in Shanghai index  

It is a same technical methodology to be approach and to be cocked as the “Shackle in DAX index of Ladder pattern” and “Bondage by Dow Jones in Box theory” please compare among them and treat them as all same strategic in terms of both supported line and registering line    


Shackle in DAX index of Ladder pattern

Shackle in DAX index of Ladder pattern

You have been told and warned by Cassandra words “jump on the right side of the fence” sine 2 weeks ago because of its Bondage of ladder patters
Let us see it in detail
     Have been breakthrough by upper trend line. You may jump to conclusion that “The dices is cast” you would better take a stance for upper trend. If so “when”?
     Should be acted as supported line on previous upper trend line of
     Is upper trend you may well check how may time it has been acted as resistance line. If you are completely comprehended “the meaning of this pattern” I wish you not to rashly rush on this point but to wait with hugger bite on black line.


Ladder Pattern in DAX as well as in inductive idea

Ladder Pattern in DAX as well as in inductive idea

It is DAX

If you see this chart, Do rash and rush into the whirlpool of UPTREN line
Rather you would better wait it Downtrend line.
Anyway, Of both ways, it is tremendous signal as much high point as previous higher point and good omen for all international market
I wish you not to be exclusive from this party      



Let us enjoy uptrend of KOSPI

It is Kospi future of daily chart
Shall we decipher of it?
Mainly in term of Volume view
And somewhat in terms of all response of related facts

It is at last the issue that whether if it is inflection point or not
I think it is going to start a new journey for forward
And within few months later it will be happened to “adjustment wave”
Your time is limited within 2 month.
Let us enjoy uptrend of KOSPI
The reasons are:

     Is volume of signal for adjustment? If you had been suspicious of it as short terms of corrective wave, you may well deserved to be called “expert of chart ” indeed it was signal for down trend
     Is volume of rebellious rebounding against ①, which is unfortunately  not enough
     Is stochastic signal of gold cross which is compensating for insufficient information of Volume?
     Is a ladder patter which is breakthrough by simultaneous signal of BBS opening mouth
We will see what we can see within 2 month later

Yours Cassandra 


chart for GB#FTSE (Financial TimesStock Exchange)

 it is GB (Financial TimesStock Exchange)
When it is breakthrough, you may well decide your position because of bad overhead supply from upward. Statistically it must be breakout 6,636.56 point
Be patient

Yours Cassandra   

compare the ShangHai Composite with what Cassandra whispered with you before

What a chart it is!
It must be a wordless language
And a simplest language
For insinuating anything about ingraining!

Please compare the ShangHai Composite what Cassandra whispered with you before 

it seems to be breakout the triangle
and to be upward
but to be sure when  the marked point is to be breakthrough you may jump from Fence for safety not only for yourself but also your family^^    

Please compare Dow Jons with what Cassandra whispered with you before

What a chart it is!
It must be a wordless language
And a simplest language
For insinuating anything about ingraining!

Please compare Dow Jons with what Cassandra whispered with you before 


shanghai composite in daily chart for your Plan

Do you keep on watching it?

And ready to descend on the right side of the fence?

It is daily chart of Dow Jons for plan

It is daily chart of Dow Jons
It (Dow Jons) is lingering in box theory between 14,688 and 15,565
Do not make haste in spite of being breakthrough the base rectangle line 14,688 point  
We would better declare humbly that we do not know the tomorrow price but response according with circumstance    

It is wise for us to ready to descend on the right side of the fence


It is daily chart, Shanghai Composite

It is daily chart, Shanghai Composite
, patterned in Triangle and converged.
We may know which direction will be
But humbly we would better decide after its’ breakthrough  
We may pay attention only when it is breakout of triangle 2350 point
Do not make it haste  

It is daily chart, Nasdaq

 It is daily chart, Nasdaq
, patterned in Triangle and converged.
We may know which direction will be
But humbly we would better decide after its’ breakthrough  
We may pay attention only when it is breakout of triangle 2350 point
Do not make it haste  


This is Dow Jons , Daily chart

This is Dow Jons of Daily chart  

It will be touched at 16060 and adjusted on its blue Trend line with steady bullish phase 

enjoy with it's trend !


it is Shang Hai Composite

it is  Shang Hai Composite 

It will be not too late, finding out the signal of breakthrough of it  

The direction is not to be terminated yet. You need to wait for the signal of breakout point (2051 point of it)  


Hong kong KANGDAFood (00834)

it is Hong Kong Stock

KANGDAFood (00834) for a month plan

I wish you to buy 0.455$ and sell 0.691$ within a month
because it is range of a month fluctuation


It is Shang Hai Composite

It is Shang Hai Composite
The previous 2434.68 will be hardest to be breakthrough
Do not chase it
I wish you to take a rest for a while 


This is one of American stock NFLX (NETFLIX INC)

This is one of American stock NFLX (NETFLIX INC)

It is at the moment 164 $ (Monday, February 04, 2013)

Let us see what Cassandra will say about it

She said
It must be p 157.3$ from 164 $

If you are interested this stock 
do not buy but Wait until 157.3$ price with a month 

let us see it whether if she is Geek and Freak


It is 3M(MMM) of USA market

It is 3M(MMM)  of USA market
And is very powerful uptrend
It is very good items for long term view
But one time at a least should be retracement
After that, you may hold it long time  

Good luck 
yours odyssey lee