How do you see New Zealand dollar vs Chinese RMB exchange rate development
Merry Christmas and happy new year! Don't know if you celebrate this holiday or not in the mountain. At least have some drink? I did last night, and today I will fly to Yunnan with family for a break.
I need your advice, how do you see New Zealand dollar vs Chinese RMB exchange rate development? After Jan. 1, I may need to change some money and transfer to NZ for my family living expenses.
Merry Christmas and happy new year! Don't know if you celebrate this holiday or not in the mountain. At least have some drink? I did last night, and today I will fly to Yunnan with family for a break.
I need your advice, how do you see New Zealand dollar vs Chinese RMB exchange rate development? After Jan. 1, I may need to change some money and transfer to NZ for my family living expenses.
Dear: Chen
Merry X-Max!
We used to celebrate
it more than those days
Nowadays Korean
peoples had begun to doubt not only about the belief of Christianity but also a
nation’s aging since economic slump and nation is getting old
As for me, the aging
is a chief issue (romantic ages has gone), too since we predominantly celebrate
the season greeting (送年 or 忘年會), saying “Happy holiday” instead of “Merry Christmas”!
Yes indeed! I am going open your gift (the whiskey) at the
end of a year (I dear proclaimed to invite them all engineers ^^). Thanks for
your gift.
Of your last question (Zealand dollar vs Chinese RMB
exchange rate “NZD/CNY”):
It is
quite complicated not because of analyzing chart itself but because of the
unpopularity of mutually both currencies. I can hardly research what company is
providing for.
I think both currencies (Zealand dollar and Chinese) are getting popular to
international currency market in especially and doubtlessly RMB,and better combine
with both (USD/NZD and USD/CNY) chart which is indirectly in the using of
inter-medium of USD.
you need to pay some trouble for yourself, doubted whether if it is worthy or
I will expose my idea to your question:
Daily chart
It is
the ladder pattern supposed to fluctuation between inside of the ladder
Is the upper ladder bar which is acted as a resistance
line (1$=0.68805 NZD)
Is the previous high point which is acted as a
resistance line (1$=0.68805 NZD)
Both has probability 80%
But 20% has probability for breakthrough ①
and ② resistance lines (1$=0.68805
Is the possible shape of movement? if 20% is occurred
and then it will breakout and return to the almost same level as (1$=0.68805
NZD) and go up. Otherwise it will be reached at the downtrend
Is the downtrend line supposed to reach at the
level of 0.600000
So that it is a peak (1$=0.68805
NZD) in terms of 2 weeks period, it means you would better to exchange it early
Perhaps you may want to know long term view of it
It will be reach at the 0.499999 more less 1~2
Here is the monthly chart why I calculate such a
Monthly chart for NZD/USD
It is the US$ against Chicness
It is not so useful
information for short term as much useful for long, long term
May it be shock if it
will be 1$=8.3 Yun?
I think it is not
impossible to head for (Stanton #2).
Don’t worry!
It will too long time to
see it and die for. It will be happened, after we have passed way for it is 20
years later.
It is for our life
time story that it will be reached at the level of 1$= 6.8347 YUN within 1~2
Even it is shock for
But it is happen
Monthly chart for USD/CNY
The above are 3 lines
Is the 6.3709 Yun which is hardly breakable supported line
Is the line heading for 1$= 6.8347 YUN which is useful
information for you as well as good to know
Is the level of 8.3 Yun which is previous, previous
higher point which is good information for our next generation
In order to make it
for meaningful information for our daily life, let us see small wave from Daily
Daily chart for USD/CNY
Can you see the ladder
It will be fluctuate
between ladder bar “6.2500~6.4777” but this time it will be strongly and lastly supported at the level of 6.4000
In the short term, you
can draw the ladder pattern and response it
In the long term, you
would better exchange all the Yun into US dollars
코스탁 제약 (KOSDAQ) Daily chart
코스탁 제약 (KOSDAQ)
Daily chart
어제 한미약품의 대박뉴스에 코스탁 (제약) 차트를 보니까
혼자 감상하기엔 너무 욕심이 많은 것 같아서
오늘 다시 블로그에 올려 놓겠습니다. 많은 사람과 공유하기 위함입니다.
짧게 말하면,
제약주, 아무놈이나 가지고 가면, 그냥
돈을 벌수 있다는 것입니다. 어떤 한 회사를 지명하지 않겠습니다. 사심이
들어갈 수 있으니, 그냥 제약주 어느 것이나 가지고 있으면 오른다는 사실이 중요합니다.
물론, 가능한 선도주(혹은
대장주) 를 가지고 있으면 좋겠지요.
여기서 선도주라 함은 어제 금요일 상한가를 간 종목 혹은 그와 유사한 종목이 됩니다.
코오롱생명과학 등등이고
그 뒤를 따르는 종목이 현대약품,일신바이오.슈넬생명과학 등등 됩니다.
기우로 다시금 말하거니와, 제약주 중에 아무것이나 가지고 가도 되지만, 가능한 선도주 혹은 대장주를 가지고 가시면 금상첨화 입니다.
왜 그런지? 제약주 종합차트를 분석를 확인 하면 되겠군요.
번호순서대로 설명 합니다.
번은 상승 추세대입니다.청색의 추세대가 쫘악~ 올랐지요 그리고 음봉 두개를 보이면서 쌍봉의 예고점을 보였고, 하락추세대가
시작 되였습니다.
상승추세대의 50%이상에서 조정을 받고 있는
모습 이였습니다. 즉 오른 것에 대한 반절이상에서 조정을 보여야 하는데, 대충 그렇다고 생각이 됩니다. 엘리오트 파동이론상 정확하게 62%까지 쳐 줍니다.
번이 하락 추세대입이다. 하락추세대가 박스권으로
붕괴되었다고 합니다.
번의 분홍색 박스가 바로 그것입니다.
번이 박스 권 돌파를 보여주고 있습니다. 이것을
소위 의미 있는 돌파라고 합니다. 걍! 돌파가 아니고 의미
있는 돌파(significant or meaningful breakthrough)라고 하니, 분별력을 동원하여 기억하시기 바랍니다.
번에서 그 의미 있는 돌파를 증언하는 거래량이 확인 되였기 때문이지요.
다시금 말하거니와 이것은 제약종합주가지수표이니, 어는 지정 제약회사가
아닌, 제약사의 평균값이 오른다고 하는 것이니, 이 말은
곧 어느 제약사 주가 하나를 가지고 있으면 손해를 보지 않은 다는 것입니다.
그러하오니, 가능한 엉뚱한 생각으로, (자신만이
똑똑하다는 생각으로) 약한 종목 기웃거리지 마시고 강한 종목만 취급하시기 바랍니다. 위 종목에서 강한 것 . 강한자만이 살아가는 게 세상의 이치입니다. 강한자는 강한 이유가 있는 것이니까. 이렇게 말했음에도, (여기서 자신만이 똑똑한 척) “가지 않은 길에 꽃길있다”라는 말로 엉뚱한 생각 마시고
제발! 선도주! 강한자! 강한자! 바로 여자가 좋아하는 강한자만 선택하십니다. 이렇게 말 했음에도
불구하고, 저의 말을 모르겠다면, 여자분한테 물어 보십시오 왜 여자들이 강한 남자를 좋아하는지?!
Is it not wonder and marvelous?
Is it not wonder and marvelous?
How the Cassandra chart’s foretelling it
It is rebounded what she said exactly 3374.54
It is a power of technical analysis
So that please ignore all about the
Newspaper’s song& dancing
See chart and check out “the tail of candle”
And remember how you were in the status of “Panic”
from Media in those days
Can you trust what chart’s telling us now ?
For Korean speakers
몇 일전 세계언론은 중국의 거품증시에 경악했습니다
여기에 올려놓은 찍힌 시간을 신중하게 검토하면서 앞의 글을 읽어보시기 바랍니다.
개나 소나 “공포”에서
헤어나오지 못할 때
차트는 말하고 있었습니다
“일봉상 쌍바닥을 그리면서 반등할것이다”라고
오직 차트의 힘을 느끼시기 바랍니다.
차트만이 당신을 공포로부터 구원할 수 있습니다.
Panic about Chinese stock market
Song and dancing, even Panic about
Chinese stock market!
What is true of Chinese market?
It is truly panic? Or manipulation
So that is another opportunity to
jump in it?
Do you agree with this article?
China’s stock
market, almost universally acknowledged to be one of the world’s foremost
bubbles, dropped more than 7% today, which is enough to cause widespread
speculation that the bubble is popping, but not enough to make Chinese stocks a good investment.
Bubble Watch: The Chinese Tech Bubble Is a Real Live Bubble Bubble Watch: The Chinese Tech Bubble Is a Real Live Bubble Bubble Watch: The Chinese Tech Bubble Is a Real Li
After years of
searching for the next financial bubble that will pop and leave little but
Cassandra chart is smiling at sneaked
and bug information of it
For it is not panic nor bubble
but an opportunity to buy it
We don’t need to
be panic about all the new papers and media
Just ignore them
And trust what
chart is telling us
Monthly chart of shanghai composite
Let us see the macro view in
monthly chart
Rather than daily chart
Then you may see that it is best
chance to involve into it
Is an expected
supported line at the level of 3398.86. we need to wait for being touched whether
if the daily chart will be seen as double bottom
Is a whole macro
view for access to here as a box theory for rebounding
Therefore do not be panic and
wait until the level of ① by way of ②’ reason
This is
recently panic news about it
epa04828737 Chinese investors sit in front of a big
screen showing stock market movements in a securities brokerage house in
Beijing, China, 03 July 2015. China's securities market regulator said that it
has opened an investigation into suspected market manipulation as stocks opened
lower again 03 July. The move comes after the benchmark Shanghai Composite
Index has tumbled 28 per cent since a peak on 12 June according to local
See the daily chart
It seems a daily chart
It makes us panic enough specially
if we are actual investors
For Korean speakers
위 영문은 7월3일 중국증시
일봉상 패닉상태가 어떻게 월봉상 조정(Corrective
phase)으로 해석되여, 절호의 기회를 제공하고 있으니,
너무 겁먹지 말고
위기를 오히려 기회로 삼으라는
즐거운 주말 보내세요
2015 7월 첫째 일요일에…
패닉에 빠진 중국증시 '2차 부양책' 약발 먹힐까
IPO 속도 조절, 자금
수혈로 추가 하락은 저지될 듯
입력 : 2015-07-05 오전 10:16:18
중국이 2차 증시 부양책을 발표하면서 패닉에 빠진
증시를 살려낼지 귀추가 주목되고 있다.
4일(현지시간) 중국증권감독관리위원회(이하 증감회)는 기업공개(IPO) 속도 조절과 자금 수혈을 내용으로 하는 2차 부양책을 발표했다. 이달 신규 상장사 수를 10개로 제한하고 자금 모집 규모도 지난달에 비해 축소키로 했다.
장샤오쥔 증감회 대변인은 "IPO 물량부담을 느끼고
있는 증시 상황을 고려해 신규 상장사 수나 자금모집 규모를 줄이기로 했다"고 말했다.
이 같은 정책적 호재에 힘입어 이번주는 반등 영역으로 진입할 가능성이 클 것으로 전망된다. 특히 지난주 투매가 본격화되면서 주가가 폭락한 만큼 저가 반발 매수세가 상당량 유입될 것으로
관측되고 있다.
상해증시는 통화정책 변화와 신용거래 규제 후폭풍 등 악재로 패닉상태에 빠지며 3주 연속 급락했다. 특히 지난주(6월26일~7월3일) 주가는 16.67%나
폭락하며 3700선 마저 이탈했다. 지난달 12일 연중 고점 대비로 28%나 추락한 상태다.
하지만 최근 증시 하락을 저지하기 위해 발표된 정책적 호재들이 힘을 발휘하지 못한 만큼 이 같은 조치들이
시장에서 얼마나 약발이 먹힐지는 여전히 미지수라는 시각도 존재한다.
현재 가장 시급한 것은 극도로 악화된 투자심리를 회복시키는 것이 급선무라고 시장 전문가들은 지적하고
하지만 이달 중순에 발표될 2분기 국내총생산(GDP)과 6월 실물지표가 예상을 하회할 가능성이 큰 만큼 당분간
투자심리가 크게 살아나기 쉽지 않을 것으로 내다보고 있다.
IG 아시아 버나드 오 이코노미스트는 "현재 중국 증시는 극단적인 패닉 상태로 당분간 약세장이 진정되기 어려운 상황"이라고 진단했다.
로이터통신도 "중국판 서브프라임이라 할 수 있는
과도한 신용거래 후유증이 당분간 증시 변동성을 키우는 요인으로 작용할 것"이라고 예상했다.
◇ 중국 랴오닝(遼寧)성 선양(瀋陽)의 증권거래소에서
한 투자자가 전광판을 보고 있다. (사진=뉴시스)
김수경 기자 add1715@etomato.com
For Germany index traders, Weekly chart of DAX
Weekly chart of DAX
It has been posted since July 2014
To make long story short, click here to Refer to
And then
You may see what it has been talked about
Compare DAX(GR#DAX) with Henkel(VX) in
terms of synchronizing or coupling!
It may be a big help not only index of deviation
or any future traders but also Henkel company stock
You can get what you can see it
Both have been same patterns as Ladder
Please review and contrast both
And especially think about whether if it is
the intersection of both ladder patterns? If so, is it time for corrective wave?
And then
How those factors can be taken an advantage
of your wallet?
I think it is time for you must attentively
keep on eyes on both.
When one of both will send the signal for the
corrective wave you would better take a rest after ensuring the profit
And reenter here as long as the trend is unbroken
Bon Voyage!
Yours Cassandra
About the signals for corrective wave, I do
not mention again. I wish you to scrap it from my blog otherwise I may be a
person, nagging of you in same information and same trick!
Germany stock, Henkel (VZ)
I have posted a Germany
stock, Henkel (VZ) in spited of that I am a Korean. Because I can watch only 4
items thorough Korean Home trading system (HTS). Of those items, Henkel (VZ)
was best one in terms of synchronizing with DAX
same way I can watch France stock not more than 4 items. When I see good one
like this item, I have intention of posting it on my international stock blog category
I do not know anything about Henkel(VZ) but I know the chart language.
by only chart tool I can see it perhaps better
than Germany investors. It means the chart language is universal protocols for communication
to listen to what it is saying to us.
Shall we decipher what it is whispering to us?
I am very much suspicious whether if it is the Last
flare Or not?
In other words I may say that there are coexistence
between the beginning of Uptrend and the end of Uptrend
See more detail in numbered points in monthly
1. is the place where the black channel’s resisted
line was breakout and which means that the Uptrend had been unusually stronger than
Upward and that had more probability for uptrend.
Simultaneously From the different angle of this
view, it is suspicious whether if it is the Last flare or not? Because it is conflicted
with a rule which means when price is getting higher and higher, the big candles
are hardly appeared. This is reason why I am very suspicious of last two
candles. I think we must be very careful (we call it “Last flare”)
2. is the stochastic signal which means that the uptrend is
not breakout and alive
because we cannot see the dead cross signal yet
3. is the BBS down line’s signal to detect the correction but
we cannot see it yet.
Nevertheless I am suspicious it as “Last flare”
Happy New Year
And all the best
Yours Casandra in Chicness new year
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